Being a responsible traveler might come naturally to some, but others may just not be aware of the implications their actions can have when they are abroad.
If you see someone unintentionally doing something that is detrimental to the environment or to the local people and culture, perhaps mention something in a friendly way. Start discussions about responsible travel with people in your hostel, hotel or who you are on tour with. It is only through education that we can help spread the word about Responsible Traveler.

Think Before You Act With Wildlife Activities

When making plan s for an overseas vacation, a lot of people have exotic dreams of riding elephants, swimming with dolphins or having their photos taken with tigers, but these irresponsible activities often do more harm than good.

Wildlife tourism is a big business, and most of these operators think about the profits before the well-being of the animals. Remember that for one hour of entertainment for yourself, you could be contributing to a lifetime of distress for the animal.

Respect The Local Culture
One of the greatest rewards we can have when we travel is learning about different cultures and religions. The world and its people are diverse and fascinating, and it is an astonishing feeling being privileged enough to experience it. We must keep in mind how important it is to show respect to those local customs and traditions when we travel.

Many countries are more conservative with their dress sense, and wearing short shorts or singlets may be considered to be inappropriate. Take the time to learn a little bit of the local language (even if it is just 'hello' and 'thank you'), just like you would expect visitors to your home country to do.

Minimize Your Waste
Waste management can be a major issue in most developing countries, and we as travelers often unknowingly contribute to this problem. The education levels when it comes to recycling and minimizing waste in other countries may not be the same as what we receive back home, so it is important to take your own steps to help out the environment.

Say no to plastic bags from shops and instead put your items in a backpack or a cloth bag. Eat and drink in the cafe rather than going for taking away. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and fill up from large water jugs that can be found in most hotels and restaurants.

Lower Your Footprint
There are a lot of great ways to lower your environmental impact when you are traveling. Instead of always taking taxis to get you from A to B, see if a local bus can get you to where you need to go. If the distance you need to go isn’t too far, walk instead of jumping on public transport for one or two stops.

If you really want a great way to explore an area, rent a bicycle! Not only is it good for the environment, but it is good for your traveling budget and your health too!

Shop Locally
When it comes to eating, sleeping and buying souvenirs, choosing where you spend your money can have a massive impact on the community. By having dinner at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant, staying in a family-run guest house or purchasing a trinket from a street vendor, you are helping to inject money directly into the local economy.

Besides creating a more authentic travel experience for yourself, you are also helping someone create a better life for themselves.

Choose Sustainable Accommodation And Tour Operators
There are thousands of options available to you when it comes to finding a place to rest your head, or choosing an operator to take you out on that unforgettable holiday experience. It is possible to find businesses that actively work with local communities or have practices that help protect the environment, and these kinds of establishments should be rewarded for their efforts.

They may choose to only employ local guides or workers from nearby villages, or provide extra training to help their staff improve their skills. Some places even donate part of their profits to charitable enterprises, or pay their local staff above-average wages, without you having to do any extra work!