About Battuta

We (iambattuta.com) are a Tours & Travel Management Company focused on providing quality services to the travelers from around the world with a holistic experience of the desired places (North Africa, the Horn of Africa, West Africa, Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China), centring our itineraries and experiences on the fascinating legacy of Islamic World, the great civilization of Muslims, its history, art and culture. We are specialized in Muslim travelers. We are Built-in from the realization of the restrains for Muslim and non-Muslim travelers who wish to visit Islamic world, the nostalgia of a magnificent time in Islamic history that should be known and visited as a reminder of the success and splendor of Islam.

We have looked at our tours as if we were the ones visiting those places, what would we like to visit, where to eat and where to stay as Muslims, so we assure in as much as it is possible a Halal environment. Our travel experts are well prepared local young Muslim men who will assure that the travel experience to desired places meets our visitors expectations by providing a Halal, amicable and professional environment throughout the journey. Our knowledge and networking with the local community allow us to provide much more than just a touristic journey, having a wide array of services and possibilities, workshops, musical spectacles, business networking, congress and business meeting organization.

We are providing services such as information, pricing, availability, and booking facility for the entire traveler from around the world and Hotel bookings & Holiday packages. We offer a host of travel services designed to make business and leisure travel easier.

We also offer our educational programs and courses, which are very enriching cultural and learning experiences.